I like to Roller Skate,Roller Blade,Ski,Bowling,Dancin,4-Wheel.Going to the Movies. I like all kinds of movies,Comedy,
Action filled and Romance.I like going to the beach. Taking Romatic walks on the beach. Listening to the ocean waves.Looking
at the stars and seeing the moon shining on the water. Also like staying home watching a movie and cuddling.Someone to share
the good and not so bad times: someone to help when in need, to care for. Someone who will do the same for me. I believe in
respect, honesty and in being faithful. You can get a hold of me by ICQ.My number is 1886104.If you have INSTANT
MESSAGER AOL,Yahoo,Hotmail,you can contact me at Richard365. I played Football for Mount Pleasant and Delcastle
Tech High School and for the C.Y.A.A.,Baseball for the C.Y.A.A.,Basketball for the C.Y.A.A. and St.Paul's United Methodist
Church,Soccer for Mount Pleasant Junior High School,Wrestling after school sports,Street Hockey.While I was in school. After
I was out of school.I played for the New Castle County League's Touch Football BushMen and then Mustangs and Softball.
Well as of right now I am single and looking.So if your Single female.I hope to hear from you. I am a PITTSBURGH Fan all
the way.I like the STEELERS,PIRATES,PENGUINS.So if you are also,I hope to hear from you. I like to listen to and dance to
all types of MUSIC,Top 40, Motown,Disco,Rap,Country,Classic Rock,Hip Hop,Techno.

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